Rainforest Connections 2024, which Big Scrub Rainforest Conservancy is proud to support, is an exciting new conference that will be held on 4-7 June 2024 in Ballina. The conference, which is brought to you by the NSW Government in partnership with Saving our Species, will highlight the significance of rainforest ecosystems by connecting the audience with up to date information on Australian rainforest restoration and conservation science, from landscape level environmental management and research to individual on-ground case studies.
Australian rainforests are exceptionally important ecosystems. They cover only about 0.3% of Australia, but contain about 50% of all Australian plant families and about 30% of Australia’s bird and mammal species. Australian rainforests contain significant biodiversity and support ancient lineages of plants and animals.
Yet this conference is the first in over two decades dedicated to rainforest conservation, management and research. It will provide a vital platform for knowledge exchange, discussion and engagement on the latest trends in rainforest restoration science, practice and projects.
Several leading Australian scientists will be presenting their work which includes the evolution of Australian rainforests, climate change modelling, genomics and threatened species management.
On-ground case studies will provide a hands on view of projects across NSW and Queensland, including threatened species habitat recovery and translocations, broad-scale camphor control and assisted natural rainforest regeneration.
Details about the conference, including registration and abstract submissions can be found on the website Rainforest Connections.
The conference organisers are currently seeking submissions for presentations across a broad range of themes such as restoration ecology, translocation, climate adaptation, threatening processes, threatened flora and fauna, soil health and seedbanks, seedbanking, innovations, data development and tools. We encourage the submission of projects showcasing community- and indigenous-led projects as well as projects demonstrating partnerships.