Shannon Greenfields stepped down as Manager of Big Scrub Landcare in December to join the Saving our Species unit of the NSW Government. We were very sorry to see Shannon go but supported her in seeking this new and challenging role. Her new position is Community Engagement and Communication Officer for the NSW Government’s Saving our Species Program within the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Shannon did a wonderful job during her four years in what was a new role as Big Scrub Landcare’s Manager. Shannon played a major part in setting up and managing BSL’s website and Facebook page and the bi-monthly e-newsletter. She did a wonderful job as Event Manager of the Big Scrub Rainforest Day and produced engagement publications including The Big Scrub Rainforest – a journey through time. She managed aspects of BSL’s budgeting, program design, fund-raising and day to day operations. Shannon is extremely industrious and is passionate about biodiversity conservation. Big Scrub Landcare wish her well in her new position.

Kirralee Donovan was selected as the new manager from a number of applicants. She brings a wide range of relevant experience to the position, including Project Coordinator with Envite Environment and running major Landcare projects in north Qld. She is quickly adapting to her new role.

Kirralee Donovan has a similar education background to Shannon, having a degree in Environmental Management and a Certificate in Conservation and Land Management plus extensive experience in on-ground restoration work. She has valuable experience in running biodiversity and community engagement projects. Kirralee grew up in this area and is passionate about conserving our magnificent biodiversity. Big Scrub Landcare welcomes Kirralee.

Big Scrub Landcare is also pleased to welcome Mark Dunphy as our new Vice President. Mark is well-known in our community and further afield for his passion and extensive knowledge of rainforest species propagation and restoration.

Mark takes on this role following the dedicated work of Martin Brook. Martins business background and love for rainforest has been an invaluable contribution to our work. Thankfully Martin will remain a member of our Executive Group. We genuinely thank Martin for his contributions and tireless work.

Big Scrub Landcare’s leadership team is looking forward to 2020. Learn more about BSL’s current programs and projects at