2019 sees Big Scrub Landcare (BSL) enter its 26th year of operation. We look ahead to a busy year as we undertake projects to the value of $1million over the next four years that promote, facilitate and undertake long term restoration and ongoing care of critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforests.

Funding for these projects has come from the NSW Government’s SOS Conservation Co-Funding Program, other government grants, the Big Scrub Foundation and other philanthropic organisations. It will enable us to continue work on our Science Saving Rainforests Program, Remnant Care Program, Re-establishing Rainforest Program and Community Engagement Program.

The initial phase of the Science Saving Rainforest Program has started, funded by the Big Scrub Foundation.  This phase involves the collection of leaf samples for DNA sequencing from 3400 trees of 19 species across their range, which for some species extends from the Sydney basin to the wet tropics. This phase also involves  finalising arrangements for securing the plantation site and  planning site preparation. We will also be actively seeking funding of $400,000 for next stage of the program that involves DNA sequencing and genome analysis. If you haven’t heard about this project or you want to find out how you can help with the next phase click here.

BSL’s Remnant Care Program and Re-establishing Rainforest Program will use the services of professional bush regenerators to undertake a total of 515 work days within twelve months at 56 remnant and re-establishment sites in the Big Scrub. These two programs will

  • contribute to the ecological restoration of 55 lowland rainforest remnants
  • facilitate the recovery of critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforest and its many landscape managed threatened species;
  • minimise future damage from weeds, pathogens and climate change; and
  • via Its project to convert Camphor Laurel forest to rainforest, also enhance connectivity across the Big Scrub landscape.

BSL’s Community Engagement Program in 2019 will include:

  • publishing the third edition of BSL’s Subtropical Rainforest Restoration – A practical manual and data source for Landcare groups, land managers and rainforest regenerators;
  • presenting the 21st annual Big Scrub Rainforest Day; and
  • facilitating community plantings, field days and other activities that contribute to the understanding and recovery of our critically endangered subtropical rainforest.

BSL works with the following national, state and local government departments and agencies in delivering its programs: the NSW Government including its Saving our Species program and the NSW Environmental Trust; the Australian Department of the Environment, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, EnviTE Environment, Rous County Council, Ballina Shire Council and Lismore City Council.

To find out more about BSL programs or how you can help email info@bigscrubrainforest.org.