BSL participated in a Big Scrub Interest Day on Thursday 21st March. 180 students from grades 3 and 4 from 14 schools across the Big Scrub region came to Rocky Creek Dam to participate in environmental education activities including tree planting, bush walking and learning about drinking water catchments.

The students took part in planting 850  rainforest seedlings to learn about being aware of and taking care for their local ecosystem and catchments. The students learned about the Big Scrub, geology, flora and fauna, history and the community responses and actions for the Big Scrub.

At the end of the session some of the students were asked what they had learnt about the Big Scrub. Some of their responses were:

  • “If I come back here at the end of high school my trees will be huge”
  • “The rainforest is important for our water”
  • “Planting trees is cool and fun”
  • “I learned that planting trees is really important for the animals and water”
  • “Planting trees helps us to breathe”.

The event was presented by Big Scrub Landcare, Rous County Council, Dorroughby Environmental Education Centre and Lismore City Council with support from Geolink.