Contributed by Envite Environment
Big Scrub Landcare has been granted $50,000 from the Australian Government National Landcare Program – Environment Small Grants for rainforest restoration at the Rainforest and Water Reserve at Rocky Creek Dam.
The reserve is habitat for 25 threatened animal species and 9 threatened plant species including the pouched frog, rose crowned fruit dove, Albert’s lyrebird and many species of bat.
This project will see critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforest around the dam, the source of our region’s drinking water and adjacent to World Heritage listed Nightcap National Park, restored through systematic weed control over 15 hectares. Weeds including lantana, giant devil’s fig, camphor laurel and privet degrade rainforest and habitat for threatened species. Natural regeneration of rainforest will rapidly replace weeds following control by bush regenerators.
The project is improving the condition of rainforest and habitat for the plants and animals that depend on these areas for survival.
The project is being implemented by Big Scrub Landcare with support from Rous County Council and Envite Environment.