Contributed by Maree Thompson, Environment Projects Coordinator, Envite Environment

Enhancing remnants, linkages and corridors across the Big Scrub will be the focus of a recently announced Environmental Trust-funded project. The project will provide $100,000 over three years for enhancing and expanding critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforest in the Big Scrub across the Byron, Ballina and Lismore areas.

This project will convert mixed camphor laurel/rainforest stands to patches of lowland subtropical rainforest at strategic locations to expand the area of remnants and to improve the linkages between them. Works will build on Big Scrub Landcare’s previous and highly successful project to convert mixed camphor laurel/rainforest patches to rainforest.

Works as part of this project are assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust. If you would like more information or to be involved contact project partners EnviTE Environment