BSL has completed the first year of its of its 13th NSW Environmental Trust Restoration and Rehabilitation project. Rainforest restoration works have been implemented over 156ha across 23 rainforest remnant sites in the past year. This project is being run in conjunction with the SoS project.

Dr. Tony Parkes, President Big Scrub Landcare said:

“Professional bush regeneration contractors have been controlling weeds that degrade and have the potential to destroy rainforest if untreated. Primary bush regeneration has been implemented along with further staged control of Lantana, Tobacco Bush, Giant Devils Fig, Small and Large-leaved Privet, vine weeds (Madeira Vine, Moth Vine, Climbing Asparagus and White Passionflower), annuals and exotic grasses across 23 sites.

These weeds are the major threat to the future survival of critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforest and control is essential to sustain the habitat provided for threatened flora and fauna.”

Project sites include five NSW National Parks and Wildlife (NPWS) reserves, three Ballina Council managed remnants, one Rous County Council drinking water catchment and  fourteen sites on private land.

“We are gravely concerned about the possible impact of the bushfires on some of our sites and await assessment of the damage” said Dr. Parkes.

Rainforest health and structure of remnants is improving with native plants replacing weed species. Monitoring and evaluation of work sites provides evidence of effective weed control and regeneration of rainforest plants.