A new edition of A Journey Through Time
In 2017, we released our coffee table book The Big Scrub Rainforest: A Journey Through Time at the Byron Writers Festival.
Five years later, we’re excited to announce the release of a second edition, updated with new chapters and photography to reflect the evolution of the Big Scrub’s regeneration.

New edition now available
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The Big Scrub Rainforest: A Journey Through Time explores the ecological and cultural value of the Big Scrub, with contributions from Bob Brown, Dr Tony Parkes and Martin Brook, along with the region’s best ecologists, photographers and regenerators.
Presented by Big Scrub Rainforest Conservancy and Rous County Council and proudly supported by Brookfarm, the new edition contains updated chapters and photography to reflect the evolution of the Big Scrub’s regeneration. It tells the story of how the Big Scrub came to be, the ecological value it holds today, what it means to people and what its future might look like. Edited by Shannon Baunach-Greenfields, it is considered the leading literary and photographic publication documenting the Big Scrub rainforest.
All proceeds from the book’s sales go to protecting the Big Scrub.
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The Big Scrub Rainforest
A Journey Through Time
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Curious to explore the Big Scrub, learn more about the history of our precious rainforest, the indigenous stories of our region or find out about the people behind the places – the dedicated professionals who care for our rainforests and their threatened species?
The Big Scrub Rainforest: A Journey Through Time is a stunning publication complete with beautiful rainforest photography and drawings, sharing insights of the Big Scrub Rainforest, its past, present and conservation for the future. This publication showcases contributions from eminent conservationists, ecologists, artists and photographers to celebrate our rainforests and their threatened species. It comprises 175 pages exploring the vales of our magnificent rainforest, the places, their meanings and restoration projects saving our rainforest for future generations. All proceeds go to protecting the Big Scrub.

“As far as the eye could see, the Big Scrub’s vast green canopy, here and there topped by stately figs and cedars, was enlivened by thousands of brilliant birds wheeling up and descending back into the rainforest amongst the ‘branches festooned with orchids and ferns’. The birds disseminated the seeds of the fruits and so were regenerating one of wild Earth’s most ancient and splendid gardens.
On the Big Scrub’s ferny floor moved dwarf cassowaries, rufus scrub-birds, bower birds, spotted-tailed quolls, red-necked pademelons and, in the streams where the ‘waters gently slid or cascaded over lichen and moss-covered rocks’, cod, platypuses and water dragons.
Tens of thousands of years ago the ancestors of the Big Scrub’s Bundjalung people came to live in this paradise, adding to the seed dispersal which kept it vibrant and one of the most species-rich ecosystems on the planet.
Then came catastrophe.
In the last 40 years of the nineteenth century more than 99% of the Big Scrub was cleared and burnt for farming. The Bundjalung were displaced and many species of the rainforest wildlife were extirpated.
Yet, even in the midst of this Big Scrub catastrophe a new and defiant idea seeded in the forest – for its protection and regeneration…”